Mrs. Lilly
Woodbury-Central Talented and Gifted Program
The Woodbury-Central Talented and Gifted Program provides students opportunities and experiences to learn new things and strengthen their individual potential through a variety of enrichment activities and hands-on projects.
The identification process is a gathering of data collected:
- Cognitive Ability Tests (CogAT) taken at end of 3rd Grade (110+)
- Iowa Assessments (80 percentile and above)
- Torrance Test (Given in 2nd Grade)
- MAP Test (Gifted range)
- Teacher Recommendation
Data is placed on a percentage scale and those scoring 50% or above are invited to participate in the Talented and Gifted Program.
Woodbury Central School District believes that each student deserves an education specifically suited for that child. The goal of a good education is the recognition and acceptance of individual differences. It is with this philosophy in mind that the TAG program is offered. The TAG Program is not a reward for good work but the proper education for the identified students.