District Chapter of NHS

Woodbury Central's local chapter of National Honor Society shall create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership,and develop character in the students of secondary schools.

WC's NHS honor is bestowed upon students every year in the fall. To qualify for membership, candidates must have a cumulative scholastic average of at least a 3.25 on a 4.0 scale. 

The following By Law is authorized by Article IX Article XVI of the National Honor Society Constitution and apply to students who are currently enrolled in the Woodbury Central Schools:


Selection of Members:


The following procedures will be followed for the selection of National Honor Society Members:


New members of the local Woodbury Central chapter of the National Honor Society are chose by the Woodbury Central High School faculty on the basis of student scholarship, leadership, character, and service to the school and community.  An induction ceremony will be conducted every year in the late fall.


Selection Criteria:


Junior and Senior students who meet the following mandatory guidelines will be given an application packet (see Appendix 1: the Wildcat Chapter of the National Honor Society – Student Activity Information Form) from the chapter adviser. Eligibility requirements are:


1) Enrolled at the Woodbury Central School for the equivalent of 1 semester

2) Minimum Current GPA of 3.25 or higher


A high GPA does not ensure membership (Scholarship/GPA is not used in the scoring process, it is used to identify candidates). Demonstrated characteristics in the areas of leadership, character, and service will determine who is inducted into the organization through the use of a scoring rubric.


The application packet will be completed and returned to the chapter adviser by the end of school day on the deadline date. Candidates who submit their packets after this time will not be considered for membership. The Faculty Council highly recommends candidates return their packets early to avoid complications (such as being ill) on the deadline date.


Once packets are received, the faculty advisor will:

1) Provide the candidate application to teachers for review during the rating process

2) Prepare a selection packet for all high school teachers. The packets will include:

            a) Candidate applications

            b) Guidelines for Faculty Evaluations Regarding Student Candidacy for Membership in

 the National Honor Society

            c)  A description of the 4 point rating system

            d) Scoring sheets

3) Compile the scores for each candidate

4) Facilitate a meeting of the Faculty Council

5) Report the results of the Faculty Council to the Principal

6) Notify candidates of membership or non-membership


The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by majority vote of the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council will review the scores and take a membership vote on each candidate. The Faculty Council will use the rating system to guide selection. Prior to notification of any candidates, the chapter advisor will review the results of the Faculty Council’s deliberation with the principal.


The principal shall receive appeals in cases of non-selection. The appeal process ends with the principal.


This procedure aligns with the charter of the National Honor Society.