NHS Constitution

National Honor Society 
Revised July 2003 

Local chapters of NHS are given authority to vary from some sections of this document (see link); 
for example, they may set the scholarship requirement at a level above the stated 3.0 national minimum standard as long as this new standard is applied fairly and consistently. 

The limits of the chapter's authority are described in the 
national handbook , a copy of which has been provided to the chapter adviser of every duly affiliated chapter (Fall 1997). 

Persons noting a difference between the guidelines below and those in use at the local level should first direct their concerns to the local chapter adviser (WC's high school principal) to seek clarification of the local policies. 

Chapters can share local bylaws or selection procedures for clarification. Local policies found to be out-of-compliance with the national constitution should be adjusted and may, if necessary, be brought to the attention of either the school board of directors or the national office.